
My Money Man

I often say that we have a daddy's girl, and a mama's boy. I don't know why that is, it maybe because Kath worked for the first two years of Ella's life, and I was freelance, and worked from home, so I was able to spend more time with her. It could be their personalities. It could be that when they are young boys, they are naturally drawn to their mothers, and girls their fathers. It seems like I end up talking a lot more about Ella, so today I thought I'd post a few pictures of Thomas, or T-Money as I call him, and say a few things that I love about him.

I love how excited he gets about the smallest things, like the moon, or taking a walk. I love watching him play with his toys. I love the way his neck smells right below his ear, when I'm holding him, and he leans his head in next to mine. I love the way he pronounces things, like cereal, or Ratatoulle. But most of all I love his smile. I can honestly say there is nothing on earth that can turn my mood around like his smile. It's a source of pure joy for me.

First Grade Feast

Living in L.A. it's easy to focus on the negatives; traffic, over crowding, cost of living, etc., but every once in a while you're really reminded of the positives. L.A. really is a melting pot. There are kids in Ella's grade that are Korean, Thai, Latin American, and Armenian just to name a few. Many of whom were born in their country of origin, or are second or third generation immigrants.

Friday was the First Grade Feast at her elementary school. the kids were encouraged to bring a dish that was representative of their cultural heritage. Ella's interpretation of that was BBQ chicken wings. I simply love how she's exposed to so many cultures and their traditions and food at such a young age.


My Favorite Artist

My favorite artist right now is my six year old daughter Ella. She's got a great style, and she can really capture and interpret the world around her in a unique and honest way. Her work totally inspires me. It makes me feel happy, alive, and young. Here are two of her most recent pieces.

This one is a self portrait of her in the orange tree in our back yard. It's her favorite place to go for "alone time"

I love this one as well. I love the look on Bo Peep's face as she scanning the distance for her sheep. It's frustrated, nervous, and sad.


Bishop Allen

Kath and I have been trying to go on a "date" without kids once a week. So a couple of weeks ago our friend Scott came over with his girlfriend, and they watched our kids 'till 1AM so we could go see this band we really love. They're called Bishop Allen.

It was one of the best live shows I've seen in a LONG time! Here are some photos.

Our Friend Jessica got to go up on stage and sing with them. Here's a link to that!

Butterfly Nets Ft. Jessica Klien